Fundraising Update:

The objective of the fundraising, over and above the SRA levy we are collecting, is to accelerate the construction of the Long Term Coastal Protection Solution (LTCPS) in St Francis Bay, which will restore our river, spit and beach.  

The LTCPS includes 1) constructing a Groyne field along the full length of the beach from the Kromme River Mouth to Main Beach, and 2) nourishing the beaches between the groynes with sand from the Kromme River. This a community-driven initiative to restore the beach in St. Francis Bay, and is making significant strides. The LTCPS is divided into five phases, the first two phases include the Spit and Main Beach, have a target amount of R110 million, and we’re almost there. The funding has nearly reached its intended mark, signalling that the construction we’ve all been waiting for is just around the corner. 

Newsletter March 2024

Map showing the Long Term Coastal Protection Solution’s 5 phases

While we’re celebrating the progress, we must also look ahead. The three remaining phases of the project are crucial, and we’ll need more funding to complete them. We estimate that this will bring the total cost of the project to R160M. The community’s response to our fundraising efforts has been incredible. We rely on the SRA levy, donations, and loans from local homeowners and residents to make this happen. Your support and positivity drive this project forward, and we’re grateful for every contribution.

Wayne Furphy, Chairman of the St. Francis Property Owners Association and the SFPO NPC, urges property owners to join us in this cause, emphasizing that this beach belongs to all of us. With your help, we’re well on our way to restoring the beach in St. Francis Bay for future generations.

Newsletter March 2024

Land Use Scheme Amendment Notice

Below is the Land Use Scheme Amendment Notice. If you want to stay in the loop, please register as an interested or affected party by mailing the contact email stated in the notice. Applications must be received before 29 March 2024.