St Francis Property Owners NPC AGM – 2023
Notice of Annual General Meeting is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Members of the St Francis Property Owners NPC, in respect of the year ended 30 June 2023, will take place on Wednesday 20th December 2023 at 17:00 at St Francis Links.
Participation and Voting
All members of the St Francis Property Owners NPC are entitled to attend and participate in the meeting. Alternatively, if a member is unable to participate, they are entitled to either submit their vote in advance or appoint a proxy to represent them. An appointment of a proxy may be effected by using the Form of Vote / Proxy and, in order for the proxy to be valid it must be completed and delivered in accordance with the instructions contained in the attached Form of Voting / Proxy by 09:00 on 20th December 2023.
Voting will close at 19h00 on the date of the meeting.
Purpose of the Meeting
The purpose of the meeting is to –
- present the Directors Report;
- consider and, if deemed fit, to pass, with or without modification, the resolutions set out below.
In order for ordinary resolutions to be adopted, the support of at least 50% (fifty percent) plus one vote of the total number of votes cast by members or represented proxy, is required.
In order for special resolutions to be adopted, the support of at least 75% (seventy-five percent) plus one vote of the total number of votes cast by members or represented proxy, is required.
Resignation / Retirement of Directors
The following directors have retired to comply with the provisions of the companies act whereby 1/3 of the directors must retire each year, Christopher Gray, Kevin Vyvyan-Day, Andrew Bowren and Craig Northwood, all of whom offer themselves for re-election.
Ordinary Resolution number 1 – Ratification / Appointment of Directors
“RESOLVED THAT Christopher Gray, Kevin Vyvyan-Day, Andrew Bowren, Craig Northwood, Garth Wright and Murray Stewart be and are hereby appointed.
Ordinary Resolution number 2 – Adoption of the Annual Financial Statements
“RESOLVED THAT the annual financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2023 be adopted and approved.
Ordinary Resolution number 3 – Reappointment of auditors
“RESOLVED THAT Moore Inc. is appointed as independent auditor of the SFPO NPC for the ensuing year.
The Board recommends that members vote “FOR” all the Resolutions listed on the Voting / Proxy form.