The Three Main Types Of Security Cameras In St Francis Bay

One recurring line of questioning regarding the cameras positioned all over St Francis Bay is the actual technical capabilities of these cameras. In this week’s update, we would like to talk about the three main types of cameras and explain a little about how they work. 
The cameras are constantly maintained, and should there be any need, the cameras are repaired and upgraded when necessary. 
The camera layout around St Francis Bay is not random. They are carefully positioned around St Francis Bay, in strategic areas or high traffic zones.

Licence Plate Recognition (LPR) Cameras. 
These cameras can read and process every passing vehicle’s number plate. The plate is automatically run through a national database, which hosts all sought for vehicle plates in the country. In the event of a flagged vehicle passing one of our cameras, the alarm in the control room is triggered. The CCTV operators can then assess the positive trigger and then notify Calibre Security and the relevant SAPS department of the vehicle’s movements. As a result, we see the constant success of suspects being arrested across the province for various crimes, starting from the alert in our control room.
In St Francis Bay, this technology has proven effective and has resulted in alerts and arrests.

Analytical Cameras.
These cameras can detect true human movement within pre-set parameters. The analytical capabilities allow the camera to recognise and ignore movements of bushes, shrubs, trees, animals, and any other non-human elements, thus only sending alerts of actual human activity (within range) to the Atlas Security Control Room. Once Control Room Operators receive a signal from an Analytical Camera, they view the camera’s live footage. They can then analyse whether or not there is any criminal intent and whether or not any form of response is needed for the situation. Should there be criminal intent, Calibre Security Response Officers are dispatched to the scene.
These were the cameras that recently picked up a suspect stealing the gate from a residential gas cage. 

Overview Cameras
The footage recorded by these cameras is used for various purposes. These include getting a live feed for any situation in the camera range when needed and identifying potential suspects for a positive incident. In addition, they can provide the required evidence to the SAPS or any other legal body in an active legal case. They are also used to analyse any suspicious movement for when there is an increase in activity in the area.
The attached image helps to show how the CCTV infrastructure was used to help track down a lost wallet in St Francis Bay by identifying the vehicle involved.