Association Membership Renewal is Due

A strong and proactive Rate Payers Association is essential if we are going to hold our Municipality accountable for the infrastructure and services we rely on as property owners, residents and business owners in St Francis Bay. The strength of our St Francis Property Owners Association (SFPO) depends on the number of members we have, the commitment of our Association’s Committee members (who are volunteers) and the quality, efficiency and friendliness of our Office Administration. 

The Association’s Committee represents the whole of St Francis Bay. Your membership contribution enables us to run a small administration office, monitor service delivery from the Municipality, and invest in essential community projects. 

Membership of the St Francis Property Owners Association is voluntary, and we hope we can rely on your support.

Our membership runs from 1 October to 30 September annually.

The subscription fee for 2023-2024 is R600.00 per annum or R375.00 for pensioners.

Invoices for voluntary membership will be sent on our database later this month.

Subscriptions can be paid by EFT to our bank account or in cash at our office. An easy alternative is to make use of our convenient online payment facility on our website at

Banking details are:

St Francis Bay Residents Association    

Standard Bank Humansdorp              

Bank Code: 050015                     

Account No.: 08 249 9276

Please quote your name and Erf. No. as reference.

Should you have any queries or concerns, call us on 042 294 0594 or 082 777 5624 or email Our office is open from 8.30 to 1pm daily.

Why You Should Join The St Francis Property Owners Association.

Here are ten excellent reasons to become members of the St Francis Bay Residents/Ratepayers Association.

Our Association has a competent executive team of local residents elected by ratepayers every two years. Whether a property owner or a resident renting a property, your support is critical to ensure St Francis Bay is all it can be. This will allow everyone residing in our town the best lifestyle they deserve.

Start participating in our future by joining the SFPO. The subscription is just R600 a year (R375 for pensioners).


1. Service Delivery

Water, roads, electricity, sewerage management, refuse collection, and fire control are the most severe service delivery issues. The Association monitors progress and works with the relevant Municipal bodies to improve service delivery. For example, we have assisted the Municipality with rolling out their new wheelie bins for refuse collection. The Association collaborates closely with our Ward Councillor and is represented on the Ward 12 Committee. We have provided our Ward Committee with a comprehensive mapped listing of street names to facilitate the manufacture and erection of signage on every street.

Wheelie Bins For All

2. Land Use and Spatial Development

A particular plan was drawn to ensure that our town provides essential amenities such as schools, churches, parks, and sports facilities and adheres to logical zoning patterns. However, the Association occasionally must step in to ensure inappropriate development does not affect ratepayers’ investments. 

3. Aesthetics and Planning

The look and feel of St Francis Bay are unique. The Association provides administration for the Aesthetics Committee. It works closely with the Municipality Planning Department to maintain our town’s exceptional appearance and adherence to by-laws.

4. Community Policing and Security

The Association works hand in hand with CCTV monitoring service, the local police, neighbourhood watch, and local security companies to curb crime within our community. We recently sponsored solar lights for the street lamps in our Central Business District to ensure the area is well-lit and safe during load-shedding. We sponsored beach patrol officers for Main Beach last Season to ensure the safety of our beachgoers. 

Beach Security

5. Beach Reconstruction

The Association has members involved in the process. We aim to keep the community informed concerning the project. 

6. Riparian and Kromme River Matters

Our Association works hand in hand with the Riparian Home Owners Association and the Kromme Joint River Committee. This work is done to protect these homeowners’ interests and manage our canal and river systems.

7. Critical Matters

The potential erection of the Thyspunt Nuclear Power station was an issue that the Association took up with Eskom. We have recently published a comprehensive document providing advice on Power and Water Security. We continue to monitor the erection of 4G and 5G Cell phone towers and the roll-out of fibre optic cabling. The draft policy for solar energy is also under consideration by the Association.


Nukes No Thanks

8. Provision of Information

The Association has a continuously updated website. In addition, public meetings, newsletters and our Facebook Page are used to keep members informed.

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9. Environmental Matters

The Association has strong links with the Kromme Enviro-Trust. The two organisations keep each other informed and work together on issues relating to environmental matters. The Association initiated the provision of the recycling facility, which is now available at the Municipal yard next to the fire station. 

10. Disaster Management

The Association works closely with the Disaster Volunteer Group to provide swift and effective reaction and management of local disasters, including fire, flooding, pollution control, and COVID-19 times – food relief for the needy. In addition, the Association has been proactively involved in promoting responsible bush and Erven clearing for fire prevention.



Upcoming Dates To Remember

Links 88th PGA Championship 21 to 24 September.

Calamari Festival 22 – 24 September 

Nautical Half Marathon 24 September.

Rip Curl GromSearch Junior Surfing Event presented by The St Francis Resort – 29 September – 01 October. 

Expedition Africa – Adventure Racing World Championships – 18 – 28 October.